Batch Processing

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Batch Processing

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   Select the batch in the selection bar.






    You can select the directory and the PDF file using the integrated explorer.


    !!! Note !!!!

    Use the settings to your preferred directory indicate the Explorer turns

    then each time automatically in this directory. This makes it easier to work with the converter !!!




     In Explorer, select one or more PDF documents. Click 'Add' wedern the documents in the Batch list taken.

     If the contents of a directory (PDF only) to take in the list want, then click on 'directory' button.

     With 'Delete' Vedas individual entries deleted from the list (NOT the PDF).

     'Clear list' with the list is emptied.




      Deselecting this feature the Properties window is not displayed.

      In the settings you can specify this as well as the properties.




        Press 'Start' to start batch






       Selection of properties for conversion




         For protected PDF documents, you can enter the password here.

         Click with the mouse on the box top left.





         Here you can determine in which directory the Excel documents are saved.

         In 'original' documents is meant the original directory of the PDF.




         Selecting more properties





Only Text or Text and Image



Cells formatted or text only


CSV Unicode

Upon transfer to a CSV file, you can turn on Unicode.


All PDF pages in a worksheet

All PDF pages are output in a worksheet.


Excel default font

It is only the Excel default font used in Excel document


colored border

Cells are highlighted


Spacing Word / Word

Can contribute to a narrow distance between content of different cells

reduces the distance / be increased. Results depending on the document

a better transmission.




        You can protect your Excel document with a password.





         Here you select the Excel format





          Select 'Convert' to continue

        CancelImg         Clip1